We would like to invite authors to submit abstracts to our sessions in the Hydrological Sciences as well as the Soil Sciences at EGU 2020:
Both of our sessions aim at bringing together scientists from the hydro(geo)logical and soil science community in order to discuss recent developments in the field of preferential infiltration dynamics (laboratoray studies, analytical and numerical developments, field studies). While not limited to the vadose zone, preferential flow dynamics often occur in the context of recharge dynamics, and complicate the proper assessment of recharge as well as migration of contaminants (e.g. nitrate) through the partially saturated zone. Our session in the HS program group focusses on the dynamics in consolidated media across all scales, e.g. fractured-porous media, karst systems, while the session in the SSS program group mainly considers processes related to soil systems. Despite the scale differences, both systems share common problems and approaches and with our sessions we hope to trigger fruitful discussion and inter-community exchange.
Hope to see you at EGU 2020!