We are happy to have a new paper accepted in the special section Nonuniform Flow across Vadose Zone Scales (edited by Majdi Abou Najm, Laurent Lassabatere, and Ryan Stewart) of the Vadose Zone Journal soon to be released.
The accepted paper can be found here:
„First Look paper“ (doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.08.0155)
The work is a continuation of our numerical and laboratory experiments concerned with rapid gravity-driven flow dynamics in fractures and aims at providing possible solutions of upscaling the small-scale process oriented dynamics from individual fractures to fracture networks/cascades. We are still far away from finding convergence between large-scales dynamics and detailed fracture-scale processes but hope to contribute with our work and foster interest in this highly challenging aspect of modern hydrology/hydrogeology.

Laboratory experiments for gravity-driven flows (Noffz et al. 2018)