Teaching and Supervision

See my extended teaching portfolio here. I am teaching courses at the University of Goettingen, Faculty of Geoscience and Geography since late 2014. Most of my lectures are integrated into the international Master’s program „Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience (HEG)“ as well as Master’s and Bachelor’s program „Geoscience“. I am the coordinator for two modules comprising of seven lectures (currently M.HEG.12 Hydrogeology I, M.HEG.310 Groundwater Modeling II).
I supervise projects, Ph.D., Master and Bachelor theses. Depending on the students‘ research interest, plans to enter the academic or private sector, I offer topics in the field of fundamental research, field work, numerical applications and/or model development in joint cooperation with companies and/or research institutes worldwide.

In 2016/17 I received my official higher education teaching certificate from the University of Goettingen as part of the  „Certificate Programme of the Section for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education“.

Lectures and Field Courses

  • Introduction to Hydrogeology / Einführung in die Hydrogeologie
    (Lecture + Tutorial, 3 SWS, WS2014-ongoing, UniVZ)
  • Scientific Programming
    (Lecture + Tutorial, 2 SWS, WS2014-ongoing, UnivVZ)
  • Fractured and Karstified Aquifers
    (Field course, 1 SWS, SS2015-ongoing, UniVZ)
  • Simulation of Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media
    (Lecture + Exercises, 2 SWS, WS2014-ongoing, UniVZ)
  • Catchment Hydrogeology
    (Lecture + Exercises, 2 SWS, SS2014-16, UniVZ)

Supervised Theses

Ph.D. Theses

  • Elena Shigorina, M.Sc. (2015-2020): Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics modeling of flow in unsaturated fractured media. University of Goettingen. DFG funded project (320402845).
  • Lysander Bresinsky, M.Sc. (2017-2023): Development of a double-continuum flow and transport model for the Western Aquifer Basin, Israel. Universität Göttingen. BMBF funded project MedWater (GRoW joint project).
  • Torsten Noffz, M.Sc. (2018-): Modeling of recharge dynamics in fractured karst aquifers. University of Goettingen. DFG funded project „iKarst“ (397516788).
  • Florian Ruediger, M.Sc. (2018-2023): Preferential flow dynamics in unsaturated fractured porous media: Relationship between fracture network topology and dual-domain model parameterization. University of Goettingen. DFG funded project (412940616).

Bachelor Theses

  • Kim Karoline Bartsch (2020-): Laboratory and field investigations of infiltration dynamics in fractured-porous media. University of Goettingen.
  • Anne-Marie Sustrate (2018): Laborexperimente zur ungesättigten Strömung in porös-geklüfteten Gesteinen: Einfluss von gravitativen Oberflächenströmungen auf die Matrixinfiltration. University of Goettingen.
  • Mara Wilhelmina Meyer (2017): Laborstudien zu ungesättigten, gravitativ getriebenen Strömungsprozessen in einem synthetischen Kluftsystem: Einfluss von Strömungsmodus auf die Partitionierungsdynamik. University of Goettingen.
  • Christopher Koch (2016): Laborexperimente zur ungesättigten Strömung in geklüfteten Festgesteinen: Tropfen- und Rivuletströmungen in synthetischen Kluftnetzwerken. University of Goettingen.

Master Theses

  • Judith Carstens (2021-): Assessment and modeling of preferential recharge dynamics at catchment scale via enhanced water table fluctuation methods. University of Goettingen.
  • Temke Hector (2020-): Classification of karst springs in semi-arid environments via vadose and phreatic multicontinuum flow modeling. University of Goettingen.
  • Thibault Würsch (2019): Distributive numerical simulation of surface flows and transmission losses in a semi-arid catchment, Western Aquifer Basin, Israel. University of Goettingen, Hydrological Survey Israel.
  • Emanuel Thoenes (2019): Hydraulic characterisation of a sub-catchment via inverse modeling using a fully-coupled surface-subsurface flow model, Western Aquifer Basin, Israel. University of Goettingen, Hydrological Survey Israel.
  • Fatima Halari (2019): Geophysical characterization and distributive simulation of recharge dynamics in a basaltic fractured aquifer, Maharashtra district, Sangamner region, India. University of Goettingen, Watershed Organisation Trust.
  • Xue Xu (2019): Sub-catchment spring analysis : Field investigations and simulation of saturated and unsaturated recharge and flow dynamics. University of Goettingen.
  • Michael O’Byrne (2018): Direct push permeameter design: A guide though the optimization of range, cost effectiveness and accuracy. University of Goettingen (second supervisor)
  • Lena-Marie Kuhlemann (2018): Hydrochemical investigations and water/rock-interactions of groundwaters of the Upper Mega Aquifer, Arabian Peninsula. University of Goettingen, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung Leipzig.
  • Marcus Veltri (2018): Saturated flow model of the Gronespring catchment, Goettingen, Germany. University of Goettingen, Stadtwerke Goettingen.
  • Alexa Terrell (2018): Effect of fault zones on recharge and discharge dynamics: Saturated flow model of the Weendespring catchment, Goettingen, Germany. University of Goettingen. In cooperation with Stadtwerke Goettingen and NLWKN Lower-Saxony.
  • Juzer Nalwala (2017): Catchment delineation and hydrogeological model for the Sangamner region, India. University of Goettingen. In cooperation with Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), Pune, Indien.
  • Valentin Haselbeck (2017): Creation of a neural network model for the classification of ground and surface water observation points using hydrochemical datasets: Identification of geogenic and anthropogenic sources at the former mining site Siegfried-Giesen, Lower-Saxony, Germany. University of Goettingen. In cooperation with K&S AG Kassel.
  • Bilal Tariq (2017): Effect of fracture network connectivity on percolation behavior through fractured porous media: Simulation of unsaturated flow using the Richards‘ equation and a van Genuchten parameterization. University of Goettingen.
  • Shahid Manzoor (2017): Effect of fracture network topology on fracture-matrix interaction time-scales: Unsaturated flow simulations using COMSOL and the Richards‘ equation with a van Genuchten parameterization. University of Goettingen.
  • Lysander Bresinsky (2017): Three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of preferential flow dynamics at fracture intersections on a high-performance-computing platform. University of Goettingen.
  • Torsten Noffz (2017): Analogue Fracture Percolation Experiments: Identification of Effects of Free-Surface Flow Dynamics on Travel Time Distribution in the Unsaturated Zone. University of Goettingen.
  • Imran Haider (2017): Numerical modeling of complex flow modes on unsaturated fracture surfaces and their influence on matrix-fracture interactions. University of Goettingen.
  • Ather Abbas (2017): Estimation of hydraulic aquifer parameters by integral transform methods applied to aquifer and river stream head responses (Leine River). University of Goettingen.
  • Faisal Hayat (2016): Effect of mucilage on the rhizosphere hydraulic characteristics. University of Goettingen (second supervisor).
  • Apoorv Jyoti (2015): Numerical simulations of fluid-fluid interface sensitive tracers in two-phase porous media systems. University of Goettingen (Korreferent).
  • Nele Richter-Harder (2015): Physics of Water Flow in Soil and Roots. University of Goettingen (second supervisor).