Field trip Slovenia
As part of the ERC project KARST ( we had our first annual meeting in the wonderful city of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Greeted by sunny weather we had an amazing field trip through various karst environments and cave systems. Thanks to Franci Gabrovšek who [...]
New paper in Water Resources Research
We are happy to have our most recent paper on infiltration dynamics in porous-fractured media published in Water Resources Research! As part of his Ph.D. Florian has developed various laboratory experiments to study steady-state and transient infiltration processes in porous-fractured systems. While his former work [...]
Congratulations Florian!
Florian successfully defended his Ph.D thesis and delivered the obligatory flower bouquet to the Gaenseliesel statue. Congratulations! His work has been a combination of extensive laboratory experiments, field work and analytical modeling to enhance the understanding of fracture-matrix interaction under partially saturated conditions. While [...]
New paper: Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Mediterranean: Insights from the Western Mountain Aquifer
Drawing upon our extensive modeling endeavors within the Western Mountain Aquifer of Israel, we are happy to announce the publication of our latest article in the Journal of Hydrology X: Climate change continues to reshape our world, and its effects on water resources [...]
Congratulations Lysander!
Lysander has defended his Ph.D. thesis and finally received the obligatory hat, kissed the beautiful Gaenseliesel, and showed off his climbing skills 😉 His work has strongly contributed to a better understanding of recharge mechanisms in large karst aquifers such as the Western Mountain [...]
New paper in Journal of Hydrology X
We are happy that our recent work on the topic of large-scale karst system modeling has been published in the Journal of Hydrology X: part of his Ph.D Lysander developed the large-scale dual-domain Hydrogeosphere model to simulate the complex infiltration and long-term groundwater dynamics within [...]
New paper featured in Vadose Zone Journal
We are happy having our new paper published and featured in the Vadose Zone Journal: Florians work as part of a DFG project focuses on the relationship between fracture network geometry/topology and the complex percolation dynamics in fractured-porous systems. While dual-domain models exist [...]
EGU 2022 – Call for abstracts
After two years of virtual EGU we are happy to finally have an onsite meeting again in 2022. We would like to invite authors to contribute to our sessions in the Hydrological Sciences and the Soils System Science. Our session in the HS group [...]