Congratulations to Elena for receiving the Dorothea Schlözer scholarship of the University of Goettingen! The Dorothea Schlözer program aims at improving gender equality by providing scholarships to female researchers that have proven their scientific excellence. The scholarship will assist in the future development of Elenas scientific carrier and provides a full position for the duration of two years.
Elenas work will focus on the further development of efficiently parallelized Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics codes that were part of here Ph.D. thesis she successfully defended in 2020. Despite the efficient coupling of the bulk effective Richards equation and the Navier-Stokes realm (WRR paper), the simulation of complex dynamics in larger scale fractured porous media systems still remains a challenge due to the resolution restrictions in the standard SPH discretization approach. During her scholarship Elenas work will focus on the development of efficient adaptive resolution techniques to allow the simulation of larger scale fracture networks including the adjacent porous matrix systems. Specifically in the context of water resources management and climate change the process oriented simulation of water infiltration remains one of the most challenging aspects of modern hydrology/hydrogeology and requires ongoing efforts to link small-scale process understanding with large (catchment) scale modeling techniques.

Dorothea Schlözer